Download Project Torque For Windows Vista, XP

Project Torque is the first totally free game COAR style ( Competitive Online Arcade Racer ) . Ie , it is a great competition in track racers online ! Do not think that Project Torque is limited because it was free , quite the contrary . It features graphics and compatible with paid securities market resources .

This MMORG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Racing Game) has , in addition to 3D graphics , several game types and resources . They are racing with up to 32 players , advanced system of licenses and experience the " wheel " , online community with chat rooms and email , a center for buying accessories for cars and championships and online rankings .

Because it is a very interactive game and always connected to the internet , often updates should be added to the game . Some are already in the plans of developers . Are teams and club racers , personal avatars , new cars, tracks and game modes .


Before burning the asphalt in this game , you must create an account on the Aeria Games page . Click here to access it and complete the registration . It's free, and you only need to create a username , provide an email address and fill in some optional data .

Remember to provide an active email address , because the validation of your account will be sent to this address . Then complete your registration by creating a password . Now yes, you are ready to run the game .

Loading game for the first time

The first time it runs , some downloads are required to update the client and the game itself . These downloads should not take long .

Now it's time to choose a server to connect . Then you choose a car to start playing . Then you go to the main menu of the game , but he will not be with all the available options . You must complete the tutorial to unlock the menu altogether.

The main menu

Tread background. Here , directs you to the various areas and game modes . Options training , tutorial, lobby , amusement center license , store, tuning, replays , and other options are displayed.

It is always interesting to go to training mode ( Practice Mode ) to get familiar with the gameplay of Project Torque . Here , you do not race against other racers , but against the clock .

The center of the License, or License Center is where you track your progress as a rider . In it you increase your level as it passes through different tests .

The Lobby is the room that displays games and online modes available . This screen are created game rooms with chat and viewing options of the players within it . The Race Room is a kind of anteroom of the race , where riders gather. It is here that the creator of the room sets the options of the race, number of turns and the map . At the Options screen , configure various aspects of the game such as video, sound and controls .

Special highlight : the store

The store Project Torque is the dream of every fan of tuned cars . Here accessories, improvements , and several other girls , to let all the unique and enviable vehicles may be acquired .

There are several categories of objects and accessories , divided into five basic : Cars ( Cars ) , Parts (Parts ) Upgrade ( Improvements ) , Misc ( Miscellaneous ) , plus the Girls section ( Girls ) . These options are divided into subcategories for you to find easily what you seek.

The " Tuning " screen is similar to the store, with the exception of a few elements . The Panel will be used to navigate and view the items purchased or won.

Game Modes

Versus Mode - A normal race online against other pilots;
Capture the Flag - Race whose goal is to capture as many flags as possible in a given time period ;
Explorer - A casual experience to explore the diverse environments of the game .


Project Torque offers two basic methods of communication : email and chat . However , there are other ways to communicate . For example , along with a gift , a message can be sent.

Every player has an inbox , where all messages are stored . This service is unique to the game , but the developers are studying the possibility to externalize it . So , for now , an email address is not required, it is sufficient to use only the last name of the game .

This feature is available to all sections of the game except racing . The button to access the email is secured in the upper right corner of the screen . Have chats are available in lobbies , halls and during races . It works the same way that most chat systems . Players click in the input field , write the message and send it with the Enter key .


  • Directional arrow : accelerate , brake and control the car ;
  • Left Ctrl : handbrake ;
  • A and Z keys : increase and decrease speed ;
  • Key C: Clutch ;
  • H key : horn ;
  • M key : rear view mirror ;
  • R button : reposition the car after a cloak , redemption ;
  • Backspace : fix the car ;
  • Tab keys , Q and W : look back , left and right ;
  • Keys " , " : switch songs ; " . "
  • Keys " + " and "- " : increase and decrease the volume ;
  • N key : nitro .


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